The Yellow Boat - 2023
Director - RayRey Griego
Costume Designer - Pearl Modine
Lighting Designer - Diego Garcia
Scenic Designer - Mary Rossman
Props Designer - Claudia Mathes
Music Director - Vivian Fernandez
Produced by The Vortex Theatre in Albuquerque, NM
Yellow Boat was produced during the pandemic and every role was doubled. Some nights actors would play a lead, and others they would play an ensemble member.
This meant there were two entirely different iterations of the show with different casts.
Each actor had two costumes, one for each version of the show.
Benjamin - lead role
Father - lead role
Eddy - Supporting Role
Chorus 2
Mother - lead role
Joy - Supporting Role
Chorus 1
Chorus 3
All 20 costumes for this show were bought for under $300. Most pieces were thrifted and altered by me to fit actor and roles!
Production photos from the "Yellow" Cast.
Production photos from the "Boat" Cast.
The paperwork and production notes for this show are here if you'd like to download and view them!