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Last Dream - 2022

Director + Playwright - Alejandro Tomas Rodriguez
Costume Designer - Pearl Modine
Lighting Designer - Diego Garcia
Scenic Designer - Inseung Park

Props Designer - Carrie Tafoya Hess

Sound Design - Trevor Meier

Music Director - Robin Gentien

Production photography by Diego Garcia


Last Dream, a devised play was performed in the University of New Mexico black box in the spring of 2022.


The story, follows the character "The Dreamer" and her acting troop as they begin to rehearse a play. 

It required "medieval" kingdom, dream sequence, and plain clothes costumes for each actor.

The Kingdom

The Kingdom costumes in Last Dream are for rehearsals of the play-within-the-play.  The designs are not period specific, although I worked off of Medieval reference. The director wanted them to look like costumes from fantasy games and movies. 

The characters in the play consisted of...

a dying king

his queen

his mistress

a doctor

2 guards


a maid

In rehearsal there was also a Director and Assistant. 

Portfolio 2 - Last Dream Royalty.png

Dream World

The Dream World was in Last Dream was a mystical and terrifying place where the dreamer meets a Guide, Spirits, and eventually Death.

The Dreams mixes with "the Kingdom" and rehearsals of "the play".

The spirits were played by the cast and their costumes needed to be

changed as fast as possible.

I ended up creating cape designs for them all to wear over their normal costumes.


Portfolio 1 - Last Dream Dreams.png

The Doctor/Dreamer & The King

The main character in Last Dream, is the Dreamer. She plays the Doctor in the play within the play and it is unclear what she is really experiencing in a rehearsal of the play and what she is dreaming. 

This play is highly metaphorical. The dreamer is dying and is the Guide is helping her come to terms with it by making her dream about the dying King. They are symbols of each other. 


Doctor saying King's lines


King contorted in spot


King saying his lines


Dreamer having nightmare


Dreamer contorted in spot


King in pain trying to sleep

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